Our fees and terms
In accordance with RICS and ARMA rules, we believe that management fees should be totally transparent.
Our service is tailor made to your requirements, so our fees will vary, and we will obviously agree these with you in advance. Every building is different and so will need a varying degree of management, some examples of the types of management are here:
Admin Fees
We do not charge anything extra for administration and so there are no hidden extras.
Sale and transfer Fees
Dependent upon your head lease, there may be fees chargeable to individual leaseholders for lease assignments and other solicitor’s fees when selling flats but these are generally payable by the vendor.
We have special arrangements with insurance companies so can get you the most competitive rates with the exact amount of excesses that you are happy with
Our contracts are generally 12 months but again can be tailored to your needs and we will consider fixing fees if necessary.